what are cankles

Swelling in the body is a common problem that occur due to inflammation, fluid retention, and after the injury. During this, the affected body part increases in size and causes pain. The medical term for swelling is edema, which can occur in any part of the body, tissue, joints, and skin.

Edema can affect any age group despite of their gender. When the swelling occurs on the lower part of the legs, especially on the ankles, it is called cankles. So, what are cankles? The term is specifically used for the edema that mainly surrounds the legs. Let’s understand the leading causes behind the swelling in the body in this post.

Common Symptoms Of The Edema

The swelling around the body part starts when the body fluid is trapped inside the tissues more significantly. However, it can affect any part of the body, but the most common areas of the body it targets are the feet and legs.

Many people find it challenging to recognize the significant reason behind it. In most cases, the swelling on the body is the result of injury or side effects of medications. It is crucial to understand the common symptoms of edema.

  • A shiny or stretched skin
  • Swollen skin, especially on legs and feet
  • Itching
  • Vomiting
  • Pain at a particular area of a body part
  • Nausea
  • Tightness in swelling skin

Reasons Behind Swollen Body Parts

Do you notice the fluffy body part after getting injured? If yes, then it is the swelling that affects almost everyone in life. There are various reasons behind swollen body parts, which can be easily treated. Here are the most common reason behind getting swelling in the body:


One of the most common reasons behind getting swelling is injury. When we get injured, our immune system instigates an inflammatory response that may cause swelling in injured parts. It is a response in the form of inflammation to fasten the healing process from injury.

Sitting Or Staying In One Position For Long

When you sit or stay in one position for a long time, the fluid accumulates in a particular body part. Due to this, blood circulation affects and causes swelling in the feet or legs. Since it affects the lower body parts, you might also ask what causes cankles. It can also be caused when there is insufficient venous.


Most women notice swelling in different parts of the body during pregnancy. According to the study, 90% of women experience swollen body parts during 4-6 months of pregnancy. The swelling on the legs mainly occurs when the uterus puts a lot of pressure on the blood vessels. However, it is considered a common problem that occurs during pregnancy.

Allergic Reaction

Some people also get swelling in the body due to allergic reactions. Blood clotting leads to swollen body parts, whether it is due to a small insect bite, burns, or trauma. Even when the simple skin rash goes untreated, it can also become edema.

Side Effects Of Medications

You might also get swelling on body parts as a side effect of medications. Various pain management and blood pressure medicine can result in temporary swelling. That’s why it is essential to consult a doctor and only use the prescribed medicines. However, the edema occurs as the side effects of medications might go away after some time.

Final Thoughts

Our body is prone to swelling after an injury or side effects of the medications. During this medical condition called edema, a specific body part gets larger, which also causes pain. The swelling can affect any body part, but it is primarily seen in the legs and feet. When it occurs in the lower body parts, the condition is called cankles.

The treatment of the swelling depends on the type of cause. Your doctor might prescribe medicine, compression socks, and rest. Since it is a common problem that is easily treated by taking special care; however, if the swelling doesn’t go away even after months, then look for a medical emergency.


By Rashmi

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